Beeswax is one of the many beneficial products we can enjoy from the hive. Anti-fungal, antibacterial and edible, beeswax has infinite uses for our health and homes!

Some of our favorite ways to use beeswax are in bodycare, melted into luscious creams; in candles, that warm the home on cloud covered days; on our cheese boards, there is nothing better than a good piece of raw cut comb; in our barrels, beeswax is a waterproof sealant that seals the gaps in our bourbon barrels where we age our Whiskey Wildflower honey; and in Bee’s Wrap, a great eco-friendly solution to plastic wrap for storing food!

We love talking about bee products at the shop, and we frequently get asked about beeswax products and their care. We hope we answer all your questions below, but if not don't hesitate to drop us a line!

Caring for Beeswax Products: Candles

How Do You Take Care of Beeswax Candles?

Pure beeswax candles are very popular at our shop, and we love sharing with our customers all the benefits of choosing beeswax to burn. They are one of the safest candles you can burn in your homes, as they are chemical, addictive and fragrance free. As an added benefit, melting beeswax emits negative ions which bond with positive ions in the air, helping to purify the air we breathe and their soft sweet scent uplifts our moods. Nature is amazing!

What is the white film on my beeswax candles (and how do I get rid of it)?

If you’ve owned beeswax candles before, you may have noticed that over time the color and surface of beeswax will change with what is called “bloom”. Bloom forms a white coating on the wax and creates a softened patina. If you prefer your beeswax without the bloom, you can remove it by gently rubbing the wax with a soft cloth, placing the candle in warm sunlight, or simply use your hand - the warmth and oils will remove the bloom.

What's the best way to burn beeswax candles?

One of the reasons beeswax candles are so wonderful to burn is because beeswax has a higher melting point than other waxes, meaning they burn longer and stronger than other candles. When it comes to maintaining your candles, there are a few simple tricks to remember to prolong the life of your beautiful beeswax candles:

1. Prepare your candle: For the first and following burns of the candle, always trim the wick to a ¼” to prevent black smoke and soot. This also helps to prolong the life of your candle!
2. The first burning should last an hour per inch of thickness of the candle from the wick. This will allow space for the candle to create a wide wax pool, which will help with step 3!
3. As soon as the candle is done burning, gently fold (paying attention not to burn yourself) the warm slides of the candle inward into the wax pool. This is called “hugging” the candle, and will increase the burning life of the candle.
4. Store your candles in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight. This will protect your candles from discoloration and warping.

Caring for Beeswax Products: Household Goods

How Do I Care For Household Goods Made From Beeswax?

Beeswax candles may be the most popular and most common way to use beeswax, but the uses of this amazing natural product are certainly not limited to tapers and pillars.

The first thing to know about pure beeswax is that, like honey, it has no expiration. Beeswax contains natural propolis that reinforces its strength in the hive and acts as an antimicrobial barrier. This is what makes beeswax an awesome natural alternative for food preservation.

We love our Bee’s Wrap® organic cotton, jojoba oil, and beeswax wraps because they are naturally antibacterial and can be easily cleaned with cold water and a soft brush and left to air dry. After many uses, when the wrap starts to lose its grip and form, you can use them as a firestarter or add them to your compost.

We also sell other beeswax items like our beeswax honeypots, beeswax ornaments, and small beeswax candles that sometimes seem too cute to burn! If you find your beeswax display items collecting dust or looking a little like the bloom is definitely not off the beeswax (rose), use a damp cloth and cool water to remove any dust from the outside. Just as with the candles, the warmth and oils from your hands will help to remove any bloom.

We especially love our beeswax pots as a beautiful way to store and display your honey the way nature intended! When you're ready to switch honeys, simply wipe out the pot with a warm, damp cloth and allow it to dry completely.

Caring for Beeswax Products: Honeycomb

My Honeycomb Has Beeswax. Do I Need to Treat It Differently?

Honeycomb is full of natural nutrition and health benefits, which deserves its own blog post (we’ll work on it!). Additionally, honeycomb is easy to store as it contains two products: honey + wax, neither of which have an expiration date. Like filtered honey, your honeycomb may crystallize with time, which is a natural process. Crystallized comb is still enjoyable to snack on, mix into vanilla ice cream, or spread on warm toast. However, if you prefer honey in liquid form, you can heat the comb (in its container!) in a warm water bath of 110°F until the honey and wax have melted, being careful not to get the comb wet! Once cooled, the wax can be separated off. This is not an ideal solution if you were looking for the comb texture, but it will give you access to that liquid gold you crave. Honeycomb is best kept at room temperature, as cold temperatures will accelerate crystallization.

We hope our little tidbits inspire and empower you to make the most of your beeswax products! As always, we are here for your questions and curiosities. We love to be your tea and honey people!